How do I trigger a refund? IMPORTANT TO KNOW In order for you to refund the customer for a transaction, it is important that your Payyo...
When can I process a refund or cancellation for a customer? You can only refund a transaction with SETTLED status. For most payment methods, transactions can be refunded any time after...
Can I issue a refund for an alternative payment method (APM)? It is possible to make an automatic refund for all alternative payment methods Payyo offers. For more information about which...
What happens with a refund if the credit card of a customer expired? In case the credit card of a customer has expired in the meantime, it is not possible for us to...
I received a refund notification via e-mail. What do I have to do? In case you received a refund notification from Payyo this means that you do not have enough balance in your...